Package 'Keng'

Title: Knock Errors Off Nice Guesses
Description: Miscellaneous functions and data used in psychological research and teaching. Keng currently has a built-in dataset depress, and could (1) scale a vector; (2) compute the cut-off values of Pearson's r with known sample size; (3) test the significance and compute the post-hoc power for Pearson's r with known sample size; (4) conduct a priori power analysis and plan the sample size for Pearson's r; (5) compare lm()'s fitted outputs using R-squared, f_squared, post-hoc power, and PRE (Proportional Reduction in Error, also called partial R-squared or partial Eta-squared); (6) calculate PRE from partial correlation, Cohen's f, or f_squared; (7) conduct a priori power analysis and plan the sample size for one or a set of predictors in regression analysis; (8) conduct post-hoc power analysis for one or a set of predictors in regression analysis with known sample size.
Authors: Qingyao Zhang [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Qingyao Zhang <[email protected]>
License: CC BY 4.0
Version: 2025.02.05
Built: 2025-02-08 16:45:20 UTC

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Calculate PRE from Cohen's f, f_squared, or partial correlation


Calculate PRE from Cohen's f, f_squared, or partial correlation


calc_PRE(f = NULL, f_squared = NULL, r_p = NULL)



Cohen's f. Cohen (1988) suggested >=0.1, >=0.25, and >=0.40 as cut-off values of f for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.


Cohen's f_squared. Cohen (1988) suggested >=0.02, >=0.15, and >=0.35 as cut-off values of f for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.


Partial correlation.


A list including PRE, the absolute value of r_p (partial correlation), Cohen's f_squared, and f.


Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.


calc_PRE(f = 0.1)
calc_PRE(f_squared = 0.02)
calc_PRE(r_p = 0.2)

Compare lm()'s fitted outputs using PRE and R-squared.


Compare lm()'s fitted outputs using PRE and R-squared.


  fitC = NULL,
  fitA = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  PC = NULL,
  PA = NULL,



The result of lm() of the Compact model (model C).


The result of lm() of the Augmented model (model A).


Sample size of the model C or model A. Model C and model A must use the same sample, and hence have the same sample size. Non-integer n would be converted to be an integer using as.integer().


The number of parameters in model C. Non-integer PC would be converted to be an integer using as.integer().


The number of parameters in model A. Non-integer PA would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). as.integer(PA) should be larger than as.integer(PC).


The Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) of model C.


The Sum of Squared Errors of model A.


compare_lm() compares model A with model C using PRE (Proportional Reduction in Error) , R-squared, f_squared, and post-hoc power. PRE is partial R-squared (called partial Eta-squared in Anova). There are two ways of using compare_lm(). The 1st is giving compare_lm() fitC and fitA. The 2nd is giving n, PC, PA, SSEC, and SSEA. The 1st way is more convenient, and it minimizes precision loss by omitting copying-and-pasting. Note that the F-tests for PRE and that for R-squared change are equivalent. Please refer to Judd et al. (2017) for more details about PRE, and refer to Aberson (2019) for more details about f_squared and post-hoc power.


A matrix with 12 rows and 4 columns. The 1st column reports information for the baseline model (intercept-only model). the 2nd for model C, the third for model A, and the fourth for the change (model A vs. model C). SSE (Sum of Squared Errors), sample size n, df of SSE, and the number of parameters for baseline model, model C, model A, and change (model A vs. model C) are reported in rows 1-3. The information in the 4th column are all for the change; put differently, these results could quantify the effect of one or a set of new parameters model A has but model C doesn't. If fitC and fitA are not inferior to the intercept-only model, R-squared, Adjusted R-squared, PRE, PRE_adjusted, and f_squared for the full model (compared with the baseline model) are reported for model C and model A. If model C or model A has at least one predictor, F-test with p, and post-hoc power would be computed for the corresponding full model.


Aberson, C. L. (2019). Applied power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.

Judd, C. M., McClelland, G. H., & Ryan, C. S. (2017). Data analysis: A model Comparison approach to regression, ANOVA, and beyond. Routledge.


x1 <- rnorm(193)
x2 <- rnorm(193)
y <- 0.3 + 0.2*x1 + 0.1*x2 + rnorm(193)
dat <- data.frame(y, x1, x2)
# Fix the intercept to constant 1 using I().
fit1 <- lm(I(y - 1) ~ 0, dat)
# Free the intercept.
fit2 <- lm(y ~ 1, dat)
compare_lm(fit1, fit2)
# One predictor.
fit3 <- lm(y ~ x1, dat)
compare_lm(fit2, fit3)
# Fix the intercept to 0.3 using offset().
intercept <- rep(0.3, 193)
fit4 <- lm(y ~ 0 + x1 + offset(intercept), dat)
compare_lm(fit4, fit3)
# Two predictors.
fit5 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, dat)
compare_lm(fit2, fit5)
compare_lm(fit3, fit5)
# Fix the slope of x2 to 0.05 using offset().
fit6 <- lm(y ~ x1 + offset(0.05*x2), dat)
compare_lm(fit6, fit5)

Cut-off values of Pearson's correlation r with known sample size n.


Cut-off values of Pearson's correlation r with known sample size n.





Sample size of Pearson's correlation r. n should be larger than


Given n and p, t and then r could be determined. The formula used could be found in test_r()'s documentation.


A data.frame including the cut-off values of r at the significance levels of p = 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001. r with the absolute value larger than the cut-off value is significant at the corresponding significance level.



Depression and Coping


A subset of data from research about depression and coping.





A data frame with 94 rows and 237 columns:


Participant id






Elite classes


0 = Control group, 1 = Intervention group


0 = girl, 1 = boy


Age in year


Cope scale, Time1, Item1, Problem-focused coping, 1 = very seldom, 5 = very often


Cope scale, Time1, Item3, Avoidance coping


cope scale, Time1, Item5, Emotion-focused coping


Cope scale, Time2, Item1, Problem-focused coping


Depression scale, Time1, Item1, 1 = very seldom, 5 = always


ECR-RS scale, Item1, attachment avoidance, 1 = very disagree, 7 = very agree


ECR-RS scale, Item2, attachment anxiety


Depression, Mean, Time1


Problem-focused coping, Mean, Time1


Emotion-focused coping, Mean, Time1


Avoidance coping, Mean, Time1


Attachment avoidance, Mean


Attachment anxiety, Mean


Keng package.

Plot the power against the sample size for the Keng_power class


Plot the power against the sample size for the Keng_power class


## S3 method for class 'Keng_power'
plot(x, ...)



The output object of power_r() or power_lm().


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


A plot of power against sample size.


out <- power_r(0.2, n = 193)

Conduct post hoc and a priori power analysis, and plan the sample size for regression analysis


Conduct post hoc and a priori power analysis, and plan the sample size for regression analysis


  PRE = 0.02,
  PC = 1,
  PA = 2,
  sig_level = 0.05,
  power = 0.8,
  power_ul = 1,
  n_ul = 1.45e+09,
  n = NULL



Proportional Reduction in Error. PRE = The square of partial correlation. Cohen (1988) suggested >=0.02, >=0.13, and >=0.26 as cut-off values of PRE for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.


Number of parameters of model C (compact model) without focal predictors of interest. Non-integer PC would be converted to be an integer using as.integer().


Number of parameters of model A (augmented model) with focal predictors of interest. Non-integer PA would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). as.integer(PA) should be larger than as.integer(PC).


Expected significance level for effects of focal predictors.


Expected statistical power for effects of focal predictors.


The upper limit of power below which the minimum sample size is searched. power_ul should be larger than power, and the maximum power_ul is 1.


The upper limit of sample size below which the minimum required sample size is searched. Non-integer n_ul would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). as.integer(n_ul) should be at least as.integer(PA) + 1.


The current sample size. Non-integer n would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). Non-NULL as.integer(n) should be at least as.integer(PA) + 1.


power_ul and n_ul determine the total times of power_lm()'s attempts searching for the minimum required sample size, hence the number of rows of the returned power table priori and the right limit of the horizontal axis of the returned power plot. power_lm() will keep running and gradually raise the sample size to n_ul until the sample size pushes the power level to power_ul. When PRE is very small (e.g., less than 0.001) and power is larger than 0.8, a huge increase in sample size only brings about a trivial increase in power, which is cost-ineffective. To make power_lm() omit unnecessary attempts, you could set power_ul to be a value less than 1 (e.g., 0.90), and/or set n_ul to be a value less than 1.45e+09 (e.g., 10000).


A Keng_power class, also a list. If sample size n is not given, the following results would be returned: ⁠[[1]]⁠ PRE; ⁠[[2]]⁠ f_squared, Cohen's f_squared derived from PRE; ⁠[[3]]⁠ PC; ⁠[[4]]⁠ PA; ⁠[[5]]⁠ sig_level, expected significance level for effects of focal predictors; ⁠[[6]]⁠ power, expected statistical power for effects of focal predictors; ⁠[[7]]⁠ power_ul, the upper limit of power; ⁠[[8]]⁠ n_ul, the upper limit of sample size; ⁠[[9]]⁠ minimum, the minimum sample size n_i required for focal predictors to reach the expected statistical power and significance level, and corresponding df_A_C(the df of the numerator of the F-test, i.e., the difference of the dfs between model C and model A), df_A_i(the df of the denominator of the F-test, i.e., the df of the model A at the sample size n_i), F_i(the F-test of PRE at the sample size n_i), p_i(the p-value of F_i), lambda_i(the non-centrality parameter of the F-distribution for the alternative hypothesis, given PRE and n_i), power_i(the actual power of PRE at the sample size n_i); ⁠[[10]]⁠ priori, a priori power table with increasing sample sizes (n_i) and power(power_i).

If sample size n is given, the following results would also be returned: Integer n, the F_test of PRE at the sample size n with df_A_C, df_A (the df of the model A at the sample size n), F (the F-test of PRE at the sample size n), p (the p-value of F-test at the sample size n), and the post-hoc power analysis with lambda_post (the non-centrality parameter of F at the sample size n), and power_post (the post-hoc power at the sample size n).

By default, print() prints the primary but not all contents of the Keng_power class. To inspect more contents, use print.AsIs() or list extracting.


Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.



Conduct post hoc and a priori power analysis, and plan the sample size for r.


Conduct post hoc and a priori power analysis, and plan the sample size for r.


  r = 0.2,
  sig_level = 0.05,
  power = 0.8,
  power_ul = 1,
  n_ul = 1.45e+09,
  n = NULL



Pearson's correlation. Cohen(1988) suggested >=0.1, >=0.3, and >=0.5 as cut-off values of Pearson's correlation r for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.


Expected significance level.


Expected statistical power.


The upper limit of power. power_ul should be larger than power, and the maximum power_ul is 1.


The upper limit of sample size below which the minimum required sample size is searched. Non-integer n_ul would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). n_ul should be at least 3.


The current sample size. Non-integer n would be converted to be an integer using as.integer(). n should be at least 3.


Power_r() follows Aberson (2019) approach to conduct power analysis. power_ul and n_ul determine the total times of power_r()'s attempts searching for the minimum required sample size, hence the number of rows of the returned power table priori and the right limit of the horizontal axis of the returned power plot. power_r() will keep running and gradually raise the sample size to n_ul until the sample size pushes the power level to power_ul. When r is very small and power is larger than 0.8, a huge increase of sample size only brings about a trivial increase in power, which is cost-ineffective. To make power_r() omit unnecessary attempts, you could set power_ul to be a value less than 1 (e.g., 0.90), and/or set n_ul to be a value less than 1.45e+09 (e.g., 10000).


A Keng_power class, also a list. If n is not given, the following results would be returned: ⁠[[1]]⁠ r, the given r; ⁠[[2]]⁠ d, Cohen's d derived from r; Cohen (1988) suggested >=0.2, >=0.5, and >=0.8 as cut-off values of d for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively; ⁠[[3]]⁠ sig_level, the expected significance level; ⁠[[4]]⁠ power, the expected power; ⁠[[5]]⁠ power_ul, The upper limit of power; ⁠[[6]]⁠ n_ul, the upper limit of sample size; ⁠[[7]]⁠ minimum, the minimum planned sample size n_i and corresponding df_i (the df of t-test at the sample size n_i, df_i = n_i - 2), SE_i (the SE of r at the sample size n_i), t_i (the t-test of r), p_i (the p-value of t_i), delta_i (the non-centrality parameter of the t-distribution for the alternative hypothesis, given r and n_i), power_i (the actual power of r at the sample size n_i); ⁠[[8]]⁠ priori, a priori power table with increasing sample sizes (n_i) and power(power_i). ⁠[[9]]⁠ A plot of power against sample size n.

If sample size n is given, the following results would also be returned: Integer n, the t_test of r at the sample size n with df, SE of r, p (the p-value of t-test), and the post-hoc power analysis with delta_post (the non-centrality parameter of the t-distribution for the alternative hypothesis), and power_post (the post-hoc power of r at the sample size n).

By default, print() prints the primary but not all contents of the Keng_power class. To inspect more contents, use print.AsIs() or list extracting.


Aberson, C. L. (2019). Applied power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.



Print primary but not all contents of the Keng_power class


Print primary but not all contents of the Keng_power class


## S3 method for class 'Keng_power'
print(x, ...)



The output object of power_r() or power_lm().


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


None (invisible NULL).


power_lm(n = 200)
print(power_lm(n = 200))
x <- power_r(0.2, n = 193)

Scale a vector


Scale a vector


Scale(x, m = NULL, sd = NULL, oadvances = NULL)



The original vector.


The expected Mean of the scaled vector.


The expected Standard Deviation (unit) of the scaled vector.


The distance the Origin of x advances by.


To scale x, its origin, or unit (sd), or both, could be changed.

If m = 0 or NULL, and sd = NULL, x would be mean-centered.

If m is a non-zero number, and sd = NULL, the mean of x would be transformed to m.

If m = 0 or NULL, and sd = 1, x would be standardized to be its z-score with m = 0 and m = 1.

The standardized score is not necessarily the z-score. If neither m nor sd is NULL, x would be standardized to be a vector whose mean and standard deviation would be m and sd, respectively. To standardize x, the mean and standard deviation of x are needed and computed, for which the missing values of x are removed if any.

If oadvances is not NULL, the origin of x will advance with the standard deviation being unchanged. In this case, Scale() could be used to pick points in simple slope analysis for moderation models. Note that when oadvances is not NULL, m and sd must be NULL.


The scaled vector.


(x <- rnorm(10, 5, 2))
# Mean-center x.
# Transform the mean of x to 3.
Scale(x, m = 3)
# Transform x to its z-score.
Scale(x, sd = 1)
# Standardize x with m = 100 and sd = 15.
Scale(x, m = 100, sd = 15)
# The origin of x advances by 3.
Scale(x, oadvances = 3)

Test the significance, analyze the power, and plan the sample size for r.


Test the significance, analyze the power, and plan the sample size for r.


test_r(r = NULL, n = NULL, sig_level = 0.05, power = 0.8)



Pearson's correlation. Cohen(1988) suggested >=0.1, >=0.3, and >=0.5 as cut-off values of Pearson's correlation r for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.


Sample size of r. Non-integer n would be converted to be a integer using as.integer(). n should be at least 3.


Expected significance level.


Expected statistical power.


To test the significance of the r using the one-sample t-test, the SE of r is determined by the following formula: SE = sqrt((1 - r^2)/(n - 2)). Another way is transforming r to Fisher's z using the following formula: fz = atanh(r) with the SE of fz being sqrt(n - 3). Fisher's z is commonly used to compare two Pearson's correlations from independent samples. Fisher's transformation is presented here only to satisfy the curiosity of users who are interested in the difference between t-test and Fisher's transformation.

The post-hoc power of r's t-test is computed through the way of Aberson (2019). Other software and R packages like SPSS and pwr give different power estimates due to underlying different formulas. Keng adopts Aberson's approach because this approach guarantees the equivalence of r and PRE.


A list with the following results: ⁠[[1]]⁠ r, the given r; ⁠[[2]]⁠ d, Cohen's d derived from r; Cohen (1988) suggested >=0.2, >=0.5, and >=0.8 as cut-off values of d for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively. ⁠[[3]]⁠ Integer n; ⁠[[4]]⁠ t-test of r (incl., r, df of r, SE_r, t, p_r), 95% CI of r based on t -test (LLCI_r_t, ULCI_r_t), and post-hoc power of r (incl., delta_post, power_post); ⁠[[5]]⁠ Fisher's z transformation (incl., fz of r, z-test of fz [SE_fz, z, p_fz], and 95% CI of r derived from fz.

Note that the returned CI of r may be out of r's valid range [-1, 1]. This "error" is deliberately left to users, who should correct the CI manually in reports.


Aberson, C. L. (2019). Applied power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Routledge.


test_r(0.2, 193)

# compare the p-values of t-test and Fisher's transformation
for (i in seq(30, 200, 10)) {
cat(c("n = ", i, ", difference between ps = ",
        abs(test_r(0.2, i)[["t_test"]]["p_r"] - test_r(0.2, i)[["Fisher_z"]]["p_fz"]),
        nsmall = 12,
        scientific = FALSE)),
      sep = "",
      fill = TRUE)